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Rumors, nevertheless, remained that the Sith continued in the shadows. However, Bane's plans continued through his apprentice, allowing the Sith to survive secretly for years while planning their revenge against the Jedi Order. In either case, the Jedi went on to falsely believe that they had destroyed the Sith forever.

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Although historical records weren't accurate, it was considered possible that Bane was killed by his own apprentice. The Jedi became aware of Bane's philosophy and Bane was killed. Many Sith apprentices-myself included-have supplanted their masters in order to ascend." ―Darth Sidious īane's death was the start of a tradition in which Sith apprentices completed their training by killing their masters.īane took an apprentice of his own, Darth Zannah, and passed on his knowledge while establishing the new Sith way of pursuing power and revenge against the Jedi through manipulation and subterfuge. And so began a magnificently vicious cycle. " Lord Bane's own apprentice struck him down to claim Bane's place. As a result, the relationship between the master and the apprentice lacked trust, as both constantly searched for signs of weakness in the other. On the other hand, the master could train another apprentice, and have them replace and kill their outgoing apprentice. Under the Rule of Two, a Sith apprentice had to kill the Sith Master and take on an apprentice, in order to become the master themselves, which ensured that the Sith grew more powerful and cunning with each generation. The Rule of Two as a philosophy was influenced by Bane's personal experiences as well as the study of ancient Sith documents. The generations that came after Bane were able to operate in secret for centuries, contributing to Bane's plot that would see the Jedi's destruction and the restoration of Sith rule throughout the galaxy. Bane also created the Grand Plan which was a revenge plot against the Jedi. The Sith thenceforth consisted of only two Sith Lords at any given time the master who embodied the power of the dark side, and the apprentice who craved that power. Realizing that the Sith's greed led to their destruction, Bane created the Rule of Two. Darth Bane emerged from the conflict as the sole surviving Sith Lord. Eventually, the Sith's greed for power caused them to turn on themselves, which allowed the Jedi to defeat and decimate the weakened Sith a millennium before the Clone Wars. The Sith Lords were the ancient enemies of the Jedi Knights for millennia. The Rule of Two was created by Darth Bane, a Sith Lord who survived the destruction of the ancient Sith Order. It was he who reshaped the Sith, creating a new hierarchy to ensure the survival of our Order." ―Darth Sidious But there was a Sith Lord who survived the culling-the great Darth Bane.

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" Weakened by their own hand, the Sith were nearly wiped from existence by the opportunistic Jedi. In ancient times, the Sith were often ruled by two Dark Lords while many others existed at the same time. The masters demanded loyalty from their apprentices, but they sometimes betrayed them if they found one with more potential. The concept of the Rule of Two, the relationship between a Sith Master and a Sith apprentice, was part of ancient Sith doctrine since the time of the Great Scourge of Malachor.


The Sith Eternal, a cult of Sith loyalists, revered the Doctrine of the Dyad, believing that the dyad symbolized the future of the Sith and was the key to achieving the full potential of the dark side of the Force. The Doctrine of the Dyad was inscribed on the walls of the Sith Citadel, an ancient Sith stronghold located on the planet Exegol, to remind the Sith of the dyad's significance in their quest to attain ultimate power. Ancient legends referred to the dyad as the source of unique Force powers such as Force healing and the ability to transfer objects through the Force. The Rule of Two was preceded by the Doctrine of the Dyad, which was based on the Force dyad, a rare type of Force-bond between two Force-sensitives that transcended space and time. The Doctrine of the Dyad revolved around an unbreakable bond between two beings who were strong with the Force. This pairing of two beings strong in the Force, linked together by an unbreakable bond, creates a power as strong as life itself." ―Darth Sidious But our Order's ancient prophecies speak of one fabled manifestation unseen for generations-a dyad. " There are few secrets of the Force I have yet to master.

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